Tag: Serverless

May 15, 2020

Truly Serverless Container

re:invent 2020 Serverless Updates

re:Invent 2021 Serverless Updates

re:Invent 2022 Updates

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 1. Serverless Basics

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 10. Case Studies

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 2. Strategy

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 3. Finances

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 4. Security

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 5. People

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 6. DevOps and Tooling

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 7. Data

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 8. Logging and Testing

Serverless Beyond the Buzzword 2nd edition: Chapter 9. Architecture

Serverless design patterns

Serverless Per-User Costing

Serverless: A simple example

Serverless: Benefits?

Serverless: Challenges

Serverless: Cost of development

Serverless: Cost of operations

Serverless: History

Serverless: Microservices

Serverless: Privacy regulation

Serverless: Security

Serverless: Suitable projects

Serverless: Team roles

Serverless: What is it?

Static site deployment with CDK and AWS

Tag: Solution Architecture

May 15, 2020

Truly Serverless Container

November 15, 2018

Training in Cambodia

November 5, 2018

Microservice types in Lambda

Executive Summary: Serverless Architecture

Informed Decisions with Market Research

Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) - What are they?

Project Scoping Methodologies

Requirements Gathering

Solution Architecture (SA)

Solution Architecture II

Strategy Session, how to kick off your project

Vendor briefing and evaluation

Virtual Barista

What can Ideation do for your project?

Tag: training

November 15, 2018

Training in Cambodia

Bridging the agility gap in large enterprises

My Recording Studio for Content Creation

Tag: Security

October 25, 2018

Serverless Attack Vector

Over-reliance on vendors in cloud security

Tag: Clients

7 Myths about Web and App Development

Briefings that work

Considering a custom website? Here are 10 tips!

I want a website or app, what now?

Managing your expectations

Solution Architecture (SA)

Solution Architecture II

There are no winners in Fixed Price

Tag: Consulting

Building a consultancy with the right culture

Tag: Entrepreneurship

Building a consultancy with the right culture

Tag: Innovation

Ideas for Innovation Transformation

Innovation Roles: Enterprise Architect

Most of us are born with innovation traits. Do you still have yours?

Tag: Marketing

10 Marketing Ideas for Your App

Tag: Privacy

Summary of: Walkthrough of the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2021 Update

Tag: project management

Whitepaper: Managing Expectations in large-scale enterprise projects

Tag: Rapid Prototyping

Virtual Barista

Tag: Research

Comparing an Off-The-Shelf solution with a Custom build

Informed Decisions with Market Research

Tag: strategy

Dynamic Engineering Teams

Fear of Finding Out (FOFO)

Planning vs impulse

What is a consultant?

Whitepaper: Cloud and agile transformation in large enterprises

Whitepaper: Managing Expectations in large-scale enterprise projects

Whitepaper: Uncertainty matrices for digital transformation

Tag: Tech

Serverless Web Applications

Tag: Tips

10 Marketing Ideas for Your App

12 Common Mistakes Startups Make When Building Apps

7 Myths about Web and App Development

Considering a custom website? Here are 10 tips!

Data Privacy in Digital Applications

I want a website or app, what now?

Managing your expectations

Publishing a Book

Should You Work For Equity?

Singapore Government Grants For Web & App Development (Updated: November 2018)

Tag: Transformation

Attracting technical talent: Addressing the maritime industry’s struggle

Bridging the agility gap in large enterprises

Empathy is complicated

Fear of Finding Out (FOFO)

Mistakes vs non-competence

Most of us are born with innovation traits. Do you still have yours?

Planning vs impulse

Processing grief and talking about mental health

Short-term vs long-term dichotomy

Striking a balance between policy and common sense

The organisational wolves: security and user experience

Training problem solving and keeping your brain active with Sudoku

What is a consultant?

Whitepaper: Cloud and agile transformation in large enterprises

Whitepaper: Uncertainty matrices for digital transformation

Tag: Vendors

Client - Technical Vendor Relationships

Managing a development vendor? Be involved!

Technical Contract Evaluation & Vendor Negotiation

There are no winners in Fixed Price

Vendor briefing and evaluation

What is a Bug?

Tag: whitepaper

Whitepaper: Cloud and agile transformation in large enterprises

Whitepaper: Managing Expectations in large-scale enterprise projects

Whitepaper: Uncertainty matrices for digital transformation